Wednesday, July 26, 2006

London Considering Ban on Shirtless Men

from the Daily Mail

Men may be barred from baring their chests - and stomachs - in public under new local laws being considered by many London area town halls. They would stop men stripping off their shirts in crowded town centres and give powers to police to remove any who defy the cover-up laws.

The proposal has been inspired by the least attractive side effect of the heatwave - the tendency of a number of often middle-aged men to go about in nothing more than shorts. Last week there was a wave revulsion among most of the public at the summer's least welcome fashion trend.

Now local authorities have been circulated with a scheme for using by-laws to require shirts in town centres and to brand men who won't wear them as anti-social. The laws would operate in a similar manner to local statutes that ban drinking on the streets or which prevent gangs of youths from congregating.

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