Sunday, September 03, 2006

Police Officer Gets DUI While on Duty -- a 2nd Time

from the Ventura County Star (CA)

Todd Adams, a Ventura County Community College District police officer, was arrested for the second time while on duty this week on suspicion of driving a patrol car while intoxicated. He had earlier been convicted in May of a DUI and vandalism. Then Adams paid $2,626 in fines in connection with the two convictions.

California Highway Patrol officers arrested Adams again at gunpoint at 3:55 a.m. Thursday along an eastbound highway near Simi Valley. Adams was arrested on suspicion of being under the influence of a controlled substance and driving while intoxicated. A police dispatcher had broadcast a notice that a police car was seen weaving around. Adams failed a series of roadside sobriety tests and CHP officers drew their guns after pulling Adams over for their safety because they knew he was on duty and armed.

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