Friday, September 15, 2006

Somehow I Missed This One...

from WDIV Detroit TV 4

A man and woman who asked a Pennsylvania convenience store clerk to microwave a fake penis have settled disorderly conduct charges. A woman named Leslye Creighton, 41, pleaded guilty to disorderly conduct charges in connection with the incident last February at a convenience store near Pittsburgh.

The incident began when Creighton's friend, Vincent Bostic, 31, filled a fake penis with his urine, which Creighton planned to use to pass a drug test to get a job. On the way to the test, the couple stopped at a convenience store and asked a clerk to heat it in a microwave. They had wrapped it in a paper towel.

A shocked store clerk called police, thinking Creighton had put a severed male sex organ in the microwave. It turned out the object was fake, the type used to beat a urine test. Creighton wanted the device heated so the urine inside would be at body temperature for the drug test. Creighton faces a maximum punishment of $300 and 90 days in jail when she's sentenced in November. Charges were dropped against Bostic, who has agreed to help pay $425 to replace the store's microwave.

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