KFC to Ban Trans Fats

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Labels: Obesity Epidemic
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Labels: Detroit Tigers Playoff Action
from the Orlando Sentinel
The seizure of more than 200 dogs and birds from a small home in the Oak Ridge area Friday was described as possibly the largest ever removal of abandoned animals in Orange County. Deputy sheriffs, workers from the county's Animal Services Division and the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals of Central Florida took roughly five hours to clear the house. By the time they were done, 57 dogs and 146 birds were pulled from the house crowded with excrement, animals and trash. One dog was dead.
Maqsood Ahamad, 43, who owns the 1,358-square-foot house, was jailed on one misdemeanor count of confinement of an animal without proper food or water. He may face additional charges, plus thousands of dollars in civil fines. Ahamad was booked into the Orange County Jail with bail set at $650.
A report of dog abandonment brought deputy sheriffs to the scene. A neighbor complained that the dogs had been barking for three days, and letters were spilling out of the mailbox. Animal Control arrived as backup. What they found when they opened the door was far worse than they had imagined. Fouled furniture and other clutter crowded their path. Fleas jumped on investigators. Pit-bull mutts were in pens or chained inside and outside the house. There were no bowls with water or food. The floor was covered in so much animal feces that workers couldn't tell if the floor was carpeted or tiled.
Labels: Crazy Cat Lady
Labels: Detroit Tigers Playoff Action
Labels: Detroit Tigers Playoff Action
Labels: Detroit Tigers Playoff Action
Labels: Detroit Tigers Playoff Action
Labels: Detroit Tigers Playoff Action
from the Cincinnati Enquirer
City schools will expand sex education curriculum to include age-appropriate lessons that begin as early as kindergarten. The initiative comes as Cleveland's teen birth rates are high but dropping - about 40 of every 1,000 girls ages 15-19 become pregnant every year, according to state data - and rates of some sexually transmitted diseases, including HIV, are rising. Cases of chlamydia, the most common STD, rose 30 percent over the past five years while HIV, rarely diagnosed in adolescents, turned up in 19 Cuyahoga County teens.
Cleveland schools already offer sex education to many of their middle- and high-school students. The schools also are required to teach HIV prevention. The new classes, which begin soon, will address self-esteem and peer pressure as well as biology. Children in grades K-3 will learn about how viruses work and appropriate and inappropriate touching. Grades 4-6 will start learning about menstruation and other aspects of reproductive health.
In grades 7-12, the discussion shifts to interpersonal relationships, HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases, teen pregnancy and respect for sexual orientation. Abortion will be explained and defined but not promoted, said Townsend, adding that she's unaware of other programs in the state that target every grade level.
Labels: Education
from WorldNetDaily
Omaha's tough new anti-smoking ordinance banning the practice in nearly all public places comes with an even tougher enforcement policy. The Nebraska city's elected leaders and police department are urging residents who see violations to call the 9-1-1 emergency system for an immediate response. Omaha banned smoking in public Oct. 2. Penalties are $100 for the first offense, $200 for the second and $500 for the third and subsequent infractions.
The ban encourages observers of infractions to pick up the phone to report the infraction – just like they would for any other crime they observe being committed. In the three weeks since the new smoking ban took effect, people have been observing the law. The new smoking ban applies to bars that serve food and those that don't have keno licenses. Some bars have applied for keno licenses to keep their smokers happy, and a few decided to give up food instead of smoking.
Labels: Global Warming
from WDIV Detroit TV 4
California will begin shipping thousands of inmates to prisons in four other states next month at a cost of more than $51 million a year. Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger declared an emergency this month to speed up the no-bid contracts with two private companies. He said the transfers are needed to ease crowding in the nation's largest prison system, where more than 172,000 inmates are crowded into space designed for about 100,000.
More than 2,200 medium-security inmates are to be moved to Indiana, Arizona, Oklahoma and Tennessee.
This summer, Schwarzenegger proposed building two new prisons, adding cells at existing prisons and shifting thousands of inmates to community programs. The California Legislature has not acted on the $6 billion plan.
Labels: War on Terror
Labels: Detroit Tigers Playoff Action
Labels: Space
from WDIV Detroit TV 4
Grand Rapids city commissioners have voted to ban smoking in public spaces and private work sites. Smoking also won't be allowed within 10 feet of building doors, windows or ventilation ducts. The ban was proposed by Mayor George Heartwell. It won't apply to bars, restaurants or hotels.
Labels: LOCAL
from MyWay News
A school principal in Minnesota has resigned and could face felony firearm charges after he shot and killed two orphaned kittens on school property last month. Wade Pilloud, who resigned as principal of the K-12 Indus school, 40 miles west of International Falls, said he shot the kittens to spare them from starving to death after their mother was killed in an animal trap. He said the shooting, which occurred on school grounds, endangered no one.
Pilloud could be charged with felony possession of a firearm on school property and reckless discharge of a firearm, a misdemeanor. The district put Pilloud on administrative leave after the incident. Flynn said Pilloud agreed to an undisclosed settlement and resigned.
Labels: Crazy Cat Lady
from the New York Times
Married couples, whose numbers have been declining for decades as a proportion of American households, have finally slipped into a minority, according to an analysis of new census figures. The American Community Survey, released this month by the Census Bureau, found that 49.7 percent, or 55.2 million, of the nation’s 111.1 million households in 2005 were made up of married couples — with and without children — just shy of a majority and down from more than 52 percent five years earlier.
The numbers by no means suggests marriage is dead or necessarily that a tipping point has been reached. The total number of married couples is higher than ever, and most Americans eventually marry. But marriage has been facing more competition. A growing number of adults are spending more of their lives single or living unmarried with partners, and the potential social and economic implications are profound.
Labels: Detroit Tigers Playoff Action
Labels: Detroit Tigers Playoff Action
from AP
Upset by the war in Iraq, Julia Wilson vented her frustrations with President Bush last spring on her Web page on MySpace.com. She posted a picture of the president, scrawled "Kill Bush" across the top and drew a dagger stabbing his outstretched hand. She later replaced her page on the social-networking site after learning in her eighth-grade history class that such threats are a federal offense.
It was too late.
Federal authorities had found the page and placed Wilson on their checklist. They finally reached her this week in her molecular biology class. The 14-year-old freshman was taken out of class Wednesday and questioned for about 15 minutes by two Secret Service agents. The incident has upset her parents, who said the agents should have included them when they questioned their daughter. The teenager said the agents' questioning led her to tears.
Her mother, Kirstie Wilson, said two agents showed up at the family's home Wednesday afternoon, questioned her and promised to return once her daughter was home from school.
After they left, Kirstie Wilson sent a text message to her daughter's cell phone, telling her to come straight home: "There are two men from the secret service that want to talk with you. Apparently you made some death threats against president bush
Moments later, Kirstie Wilson received another text message from her daughter saying agents had pulled her out of class. Julia Wilson said the agents threatened her by saying she could be sent to juvenile hall for making the threat.
Spokesmen for the Secret Service in Sacramento and Washington, D.C., said they could not comment on the case.
Labels: Bushism, Ridiculous Item
Labels: Detroit Tigers Playoff Action
Labels: Detroit Tigers Playoff Action
Labels: Detroit Tigers Playoff Action
Labels: Detroit Tigers Playoff Action
from WDIV Detroit TV 4
Do you think Ritz crackers belong in ice cream? The makers of Ben and Jerry's ice cream apparently do, because they've awarded a Jacksonville, Fla., woman the top prize in their make-a-flavor contest for her cracker idea. Tasha Callister's "Puttin' on a Ritz" features a mixture of crushed, chocolate-covered Ritz cracker sandwiches filled with caramel, then mixed in vanilla ice cream with caramel and Ritz cracker swirls.
The contest judges especially liked the flavor's playful name. Ben and Jerry's will make enough "Puttin' on a Ritz" ice cream for an ice cream party for Callister, but they have no plans to put it into production.
More than 40,000 people submitted ideas for the contest.
Labels: Obesity Epidemic
from Drudge
San Francisco police say they stopped a limo carrying John Karr after the one-time JonBenet Ramsey suspect was spotted wandering near a school and peering in a window.
Police say the received a call from the Convent of the Sacred Heart school, where Karr worked briefly as a teacher's aide in 2000. School employees told police the limo carrying Karr and two producers for ABC's Good Morning America, stopped near the school. Karr got out, strolled the sidewalk and approached the school's door. Police say no laws were broken, but they did take the names of Karr and the producers.
Karr was released from jail Thursday after Sonoma County authorities lost critical evidence in a five-year-old child pornography case against him and it was dismissed. ABC is preparing to have John Karr retrace some of his 'child' moments for a possible November Sweeps special.
Labels: Detroit Tigers Playoff Action
Labels: Detroit Tigers Playoff Action
Martin Scorsese's The Departed drops into the current movie scene like a fireball outshining a field full of flickering matches. Running a full 149 minutes, its energy eventually flags; the ending plays as if everyone just wanted to go home. But until then The Departed moves with a fury, switching and leaping throughout.
Labels: Movie Review
Labels: Detroit Tigers Playoff Action
from MyWay News
Researchers on Thursday announced the discovery of the remains of a short-necked plesiosaur, a prehistoric marine reptile the size of a bus, that they believe is the first complete skeleton ever found. The 150 million year old remains of the 33-foot ocean going predator were found in August on the remote Svalbard Islands of the Arctic, the University of Oslo announced.
Fragments of plesiosaur have been found elsewhere, including in England, Russia, and Argentina, but researcher Joern Harald Hurum said the partially fossilized Svalbard find appeared to be the first whole example.
The voracious plesiosaurs were like the Tyrannosaurus Rex of the oceans, expect its head is much bigger. About 6.5 feet long, compared to about 5.25 feet for Tyrannosaurus Rex. The reptile was as long as a bus, with teeth larger than cucumbers in a head that could swallow an adult human whole.
from CNN
A judge dismissed child pornography charges against former JonBenet Ramsey murder suspect John Mark Karr after prosecutors said they didn't have enough evidence to take the case to trial. The Sonoma County Superior Court judge ordered Karr released immediately.
So ended Karr's strange, bringing two-month odyssey through the U.S. criminal justice system. It began when he was extradited from Thailand on suspicion of killing the 6-year-old beauty queen. Karr, 41, was returned to California last month to face the five-year-old pornography case after DNA evidence cleared him of killing the girl in her Boulder, Colorado, home in 1996.
The pornography case fell apart almost as quickly, as investigators admitted losing vital computer evidence that was seized from Karr in April 2001 when he was working as a substitute teacher in Sonoma and Napa counties. Defense lawyers tried twice unsuccessfully to get the charges dismissed and were seeking to have evidence barred from trial when prosecutors gave up.
Labels: Star Trek
Labels: TOP 10 List
from The Evening Standard (UK)
Scientists are planning to create a "frankenrabbit" by fusing together human cells with a rabbit egg. It is hoped the "chimeric" embryos, which would be 99.9 per cent human and 0.1 per cent rabbit, could lead to breakthroughs in stem cell research which could one day cure diseases such as Alzheimer's or spinal cord injury. The embryos will allow scientists to perfect stem cell creation techniques without using human eggs.
from WDIV Detroit TV 4
Anna Nicole Smith's ex-boyfriend is suing her, demanding that a DNA test be given to prove he's the father of her baby. Larry Birkhead wants Smith and her daughter to return to California to take the test. Birkhead's attorney, Debra Opri, said Smith will be served with court papers today in the Bahamas, where she's been since giving birth to Dannie Lynn Hope.
Smith's attorney Howard K. Stern has also claimed to be the father of the baby. The 38-year-old former Playboy playmate has been in the Bahamas mourning the death of her 20-year-old son, Daniel Wayne Smith.
Labels: Anna Nicole, Celebrity Gossip
from Ezine Articles
Doctors have long known that marijuana can be useful in the treatment of emaciated and anorexic patients from diseases like chemotherapy and AIDS. Many doctors have and still prescribe marijuana - yes it can be obtained legally through a prescription. Now, the government is doing research into a patch or possibly gum, along with the Marinol pill and other similar treatments to treat more malodys like gulf war syndrome, migraine headaches and similar.
The Food and Drug Administration has recently granted several researchers from large universities and research centers from Harvard to Maryland approval to study the effects of THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol) in various delivery methods. Some of these oral methods have recently been approved and released for treatment of chemotherapy and AIDS related weightloss issues. They, along with injectible and patch and gum or lozenge methods of delivery are now being researched for treatment of migraines, psychological associated diseases (Gulf War Syndrom and similar), and even ADD and ADHD and mental and psychological abnormalities. The list of research the U.S. Government has recently backed continues to grow.
The U.S. government is giving in to the undeniable fact that marijuana does have medicinal properties that can help patients with various conditions and that it should be made more readily available. Recently marijuana and THC have been brought down to a class 3 drug under the DEA. This will make it easier for doctors to prescribe THC and marijuana and get it to those who need it. The National Institutes of Health and an affiliate of the National Academy of Sciences have concluded that the active ingredients in marijuana can ease the pain, nausea and vomiting of cancer and AIDS. Even charitable organizations that long withstood the attributes of marijuana have changed their views.
Labels: Space
from WDIV Detroit TV 4
A NY public school is requiring detention for parents who get their kids to school late. Under the new rule at the Manhattan School for Children, parents who don't drop off their children by 8:25 a.m. have to pick up late slips from the principal's office and go to the auditorium to serve 20 minutes of detention with them.
Some tardy parents at the school, which has 660 pupils in kindergarten through eighth grade, complained the detention made them late for work. But others approved, saying they felt humiliated and won't show up late again.