Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Jacko Brutality Photos a Fake

from FOX News

Remember the accusations Michael Jackson made against the Santa Barbara County Sheriff's Department? At the end of December, Jackson claimed that the sheriffs roughed him up. Specifically, he claimed that bruises on his forearms were the result of too-tight handcuffs. Months later, in 2004, an investigation proved that Jackson had not suffered any kind of unusual harassment at the hands of the sheriffs.

The photos in question, show Jackson in a bathroom at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel in Lake Las Vegas, Nev. T hey were taken at least eight days after the arrest. Jackson had returned to the Mirage Hotel in Las Vegas, moved to a nearby resort before finally ending up at the Ritz Carlton. In one picture, he’s wearing a Ritz-Carlton robe. But what the sequence of photos also shows is that he self-inflicted a wound on his arm and caused a rapidly rising welt to form.

The pictures literally show the welt growing on Jackson’s arm almost as if by magic. They also show it turning not black and blue, but a kind of amber color. Sources say this discoloration was caused by makeup. The pictures were taken within a few minutes of each other.

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