Thursday, August 31, 2006

Applebee's Bartender Get's $10,000 Tip

from WDIV Detroit TV 4

Two weeks ago, one of bartender Cindy Kienow's regular customers left her a $100 tip on a tab that wasn't even half that. This week, he added a couple of zeros. Kienow, a bartender at Applebee's, got a $10,000 tip from the man -- for a $26 meal -- on Sunday.

Kienow has worked at Applebee's for eight years. The man is a regular customer who comes in a couple of times each month. He usually signed his ticket and fliped it upside down. But this time, he had it right side up and said, 'I want you to know this is not a joke.

Kienow said the customer has always tipped well, but she doesn't know what prompted the huge tip. She told the newspaper that she hasn't decided how to spend the money, but she said she has her eye on a Jeep.

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