Tuesday, August 01, 2006

UPDATE Global Warming

Major Flooding in El Paso
from KFOX El Paso

Heavy rain and flooding have been reported throughout El Paso, Tex. Check out some of the astonishing pictures of the floods. So far 7 inches of rain has fallen since Monday with another 4 inches expected to hit the area. So far no deaths or injuries have been reported.

Rare Clouds Spotted Over Antarctica
from the Daily Mail

Like brushstrokes rippling across the sky, this iridescent cloud dazzles with the colours of the fading sun.

Photographed over Antarctica, the rare nacreous cloud is made up of millions of ice crystals which bend and scatter the sun's rays, creating a pastel rainbow

Also known as mother of pearl clouds, these formations only occur high in the atmosphere, in some of the coldest temperatures on Earth.

But their ethereal beauty may conceal a dark secret - it is thought that chemical reactions on the surface of the clouds help deplete the ozone layer.

This spectacular picture was taken at sunset in East Antarctica. The clouds' formation is dependent on a combination of extreme weather conditions, including temperatures below minus 80c, and they are visible only at sunrise and sunset.

The clouds may be an indicator of global warming, according to scientists. The build-up of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere that traps heat on Earth, causing it to heat up, also stops heat from reaching the stratosphere and causes it to become cooler. If global warming gets worse, these clouds could be a regular sight.

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