Thursday, August 31, 2006

Crazy Cat Lady

from WMUR New Hampshire TV 9

Authorities removed 27 cats from a Nashua apartment Wednesday after neighbors reported an overwhelming smell coming from the residence. The landlord of the apartment found the cats when she arrived to evict the residents. Officials from the Humane Society had to wrangle the cats from all corners of the apartment. They said animal waste was everywhere.

Neighbors said they had been working with the landlord to try to get the residents to clean up the place. The unidentified couple and their two teenage children moved into a hotel and reportedly returned to the apartment Tuesday night and took 10 cats.

Many of the cats appeared malnourished but not necessarily abused. The cats still belong to the former residents, and if they don't agree to surrender them and can prove that they have adequate housing, they could potentially take possession of them again. No charges have been filed at this time.

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